If you’re a fan of racquet sports, then you’ve probably heard of the games pickleball and padel ball. While they may share some similarities, they actually have quite a few differences as well. So which sport is right for you? Let's take a look at the seven major differences between pickleball and padel ball.
The Court Size Varies
One of the most obvious differences between these two sports is their court size. Pickleball courts are 44 feet long and 20 feet wide, while padel courts are much smaller—only 20 feet long and 10 feet wide. The difference in size makes pickleball more suitable for larger groups of four players, whereas padel ball works better with a pair of two-person teams playing against each other.
The Scoring System Is Different
Another key difference between the two sports is their scoring systems. In pickleball, players rack up points by serving the ball over to their opponent’s side; if it goes into the non-volley zone or out of bounds, that team earns a point.
Padel Ball uses a different scoring system called “set play” where teams can only score points when they successfully hit the ball into their opponent's court within three consecutive shots; if they don't manage to do this, then no points are earned by either team.
The Rackets Differ Too
Not surprisingly, the equipment used in pickleball and padel ball isn't identical either. The rackets used in pickleball tend to be larger than those used in padel—pickleball rackets can reach up to 17 inches in length compared to 12 inches for most padel rackets—and many players find that using larger paddles helps them generate more power when hitting the ball back and forth across the court. Padel rackets also have holes punched into them that help reduce air resistance when swinging them through the air at high speeds.
The Balls Are Different Too
A third major difference between these two racquet sports lies in their balls. Pickleballs are usually made from plastic or rubber while those used in padel are made from hard foam or rubber material that helps give them a bouncy feel when they hit your racket strings during playtime sessions with friends or family members alike!
This means that both games require different approaches when playing; for instance, pickleball needs to be hit with more force so that they travel across longer distances than those used in padel which requires less power due to their bounciness factor!
Net Height Is Lower In Paddle Ball
Finally, another key distinction between these two racquet sports lies in their net heights; while pickleball uses an elevated net height of 3 feet 6 inches (around 1 meter), paddle balls use nets set at 2 feet 6 inches (around 076 meters). This lower net height means that paddle balls usually require more precision and accuracy since players must get close enough to it without touching it before sending their shots over its edge!
All things considered, there are plenty of differences between pickles and paddle balls! From court sizes and scoring systems to equipment types and net heights - there's certainly something here for everyone depending on what type of game they prefer playing! Ultimately it's up to you to decide which one works best; why not give both a try and see which one suits your style best? If you want to know the 8 best padel ball rackets to buy on Amazon see this list here.
Your Padel Guru,

*We hope you find the thing that makes you smile from the list above! Each product was independently selected by our editors. Some may have been sent as samples for us to fiddle with, but all opinions in this article are our own. Oh, and FYI — Swagscale may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to buy something (that's how we stay in business). Reviews have been edited for length and clarity. Enjoy finding the thing that makes you smile in this article!