Brian aka "Turtle"

Brian aka "Turtle"

195 posts

Which Pimple Patch Works the Best?

Hey there, skincare enthusiasts and pimple-popping aficionados! 🌟 Are you tired of playing Whack-a-Mole with those pesky pimples that just won't quit? Well, buckle up, buttercup, because today we're diving deep into the sticky world of pimple patches!

How Do You Throw A Pickleball Party?

Hey, party people! The go-to spot for everything pickleball. Now, I know we're used to talking about serves, volleys, and all the nitty-gritty of the game, but today, we're spicing things up a bit – we're throwing a pickleball party! Yes, you heard it right, a party on the pickleball court!

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